Hydrolink Magazine

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Hydrolink magazine

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Hydrolink is the primary magazine of the IAHR community and one of the highest-rated member benefits. It brings you the latest developments in the field of hydro-environment engineering and research through articles on projects, research, and new methods and tools of interest to the community. It also provides a platform for reporting on IAHR Conferences and news from our members, and offers a forum for exchanging information and spreading the word on topics and projects relevant to the community.

  • The online version of Hydrolink is open to non-members since 2021 as part of the efforts of the association to disseminate and share knowledge. In addition to the online version, IAHR members will continue to receive their full colour printed copy at their desks periodically as a membership benefit.

ISSN: 1388-3445

Publication Frequency: 4 issues per year

 Latest issue

Hydrolink 3, 2024 | Net Zero and Water


Water has an impact on many different areas of climate mitigation, including variations in atmospheric conditions, temperature regulation, carbon removal, and ecosystem services. Water resource preservation and management are essential components of any comprehensive plan to address climate change. Given that water use, distribution, storage, and treatment all contribute to greenhouse gas emissions, climate mitigation is quickly becoming a priority in the water sector. Mitigation is especially important for water-related renewable energy, water-energy nexus efficiency, and carbon emissions and storage in water ecosystems. 

The present issue of Hydrolink looks into some of the ways that water engineering supports sustainable climate change mitigation efforts. This includes the impact of climate change on urban water demand and how digital transition in urban water supply can mitigate climate change; the role of hydropower energy production; the development of new technologies using currents and waves for marine energy supply; the role of interaction between river dynamics and terrestrial ecosystems on the global carbon cycle; and how cold region engineers work on innovative solutions that balance the need for development with the protection of fragile glacial environments.

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Guest Editor 

Elpida Kolokytha is a professor in Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH), in the Faculty of Engineering, the School of Civil Engineering and specifically in the Division of Hydraulics and Environmental Engineering. She also holds a PhD in Water Resources Management and Engineering, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, (1999). She also visited for sabbatical Colorado State University, USA (2010) and served as affiliated assistant and associate Professor in CSU, College of Environmental Engineering, USA between 2010-2016. She is the Head of the UNESCO Integrated and Multidisciplinary Water Resources Management Center (CIMWRM) of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. She is the Past Chair of IAHR Technical Committee in WRM, and the Chair of IAHR WG on SDGs. 


In depth > Net Zero and Water

IAHR Events> 41st IAHR World Congress

 Upcoming issues

Issue 4, 2024: Droughts

Issue 1, 2025: Green Infrastructure (Nature Based Solutions)

Issue 2, 2025: Pumped Storage

Issue 3, 2025: Digital Twins

 Previous issues

The online version of Hydrolink is open to non-members as part of the efforts of the association to disseminate and share knowledge. In addition to the online version, IAHR members will continue to receive their full colour printed copy at their desks periodically as a membership benefit.

Full access to previous issues   Join IAHR!

 Advertise with us

Hydrolink currently reaches around 27,000 subscribers targeted as researchers, water engineers, academics, water practitioners, and industry representatives and provides you with the best platform to carry your message to the hydro-environment engineering community. Please check our advertisement rates and offers.

 Information for authors

Most articles published in every issue focus on a specific theme developed by the Editor with the support of the Hydrolink Advisory Board and the IAHR Executive Committee. If you would like to propose a theme for a future issue, or contribute an article on one of the planned themes, please contact either the editorial assistant, Estibaliz Serrano, or the editor, Angelos N. Findikakis.

>> Instructions and guidelines for authors [PDF format]

 Advisory board


Technical Editors

Editorial assistant

Advisory board


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